Motoculteurs/Tractors Treuils.
511 Mark 1;
In the 1950s the new 511 tractor from Energic was showcased. It had a new in house Patissier manufactured engine (that was also used in the Energic 411 motoculteur of the time). The initial early models had a smaller steering wheel which was changed to a larger type in 1954. See more information on Energic tracteur 511 mark 2 from 1954/5 here.
511 Mark 2
Model B from 1953 fitted with a winch/treuil option.(steel cable 100, 150 and 200 meters in length). The winch could be operated with 6 speeds. It was primary used in the following conditions; when the soil is very heavy (clay based) when cutting the earth was impossible with a pulled plough, when pulling very heavy loads/logs. The winch pulley pulls the cable from the side. It could be fitted with other ancillary equipment modified for specific use. Also, you could attach a hook/bar for towing.
Also availble on the Energic 512 tractor.
****************Available on the Energic tracteur 518/519 petrol versions*****************
**************Energic tractor 519 T.M.D.*****************
*************Energic 521 vigneron*****************
*********Motoculteur 205**********

Energic Motoculteur 205 treuil rare.
**********Motoculteur 214**********

Energic Motoculteur 214 treuil side view.

Energic Motoculteur 214 treuil rear view.
**********Motoculteur models 409/411**********
Motoculteur 409.

Energic motoculteur 409 9cv Treuil.

Energic motoculteur 409 9cv Treuil insitu, now rare.

Energic motoculteur 409 9cv Treuil. Full view – Fantastic!
**********Motoculteur 411**********
In the left-hand photo, you can see the heavy duty correction screw system, which gave extra stability when winching. see the following pages for more details on the 409/411 treuils.
****************Energic G9, C7 and D9 mototreuils********************
Before the 1940’s we have a whole selection of G9, C7 and D9 mototreuils. See the following pages here.
**********Motoculteur 410**********
The Treuil option was also available in the Energic motoculteur 412 model. Rarer than ever!
Read more about Energic 511 mark 2 tracteur here.
Read more about Energic 518 tracteur here.
Read more about Energic 519 tracteur here.
Read more about the Energic factory history here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteiur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 412 here.
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