Energic Motobineuse R.A.M. 7.
A Motobineuse for professional use with a large 7cv engine/moteur.
Single wheel or twin wheel formations.

Energic Motobineuse R.A.M. 7 mono roue.
Single wheel/Mono roue; For use from 16cms distance between rows, offering extreme manoeuvrability in narrow areas. For hoeing, ridging work,

Energic Motobineuse R.A.M.
Twin wheel; Offers a powerful milling/motobineuse offering widths of 16-26-37-48 cms.
Strong and robust for larger jobs.

Energic motobineuse 7cv Professional.
Engine; Monocylinder 1981 Morini 120cm3, 3cv, 2 stroke, alésage 55 m/m x course 50 m/m.
Ignition; By electronic flywheel with the external secondary coil.
Lubrication; Mixture of 6-8% oil in fuel.
Cooling; By air circulation.
Starting; Cord + by Volant Magnétique avec bobine secondaire extérieur.
Air filter; Filter in a bath of oil.
Gears; It is possible to obtain 3 speeds forward. With the use of an inverser on the handlebars, you can select reverse – just releasing this control will revert the inverter back to forward motion. This is also a safety feature. By engaging and disengaging drive. You can also engage and disengage the cutting rotors by the operation of 2 levers.
Clutch; Multi-disc in an oil bath – souple and precise.
Starting; By pulling the cord, there was an option at the extra cost for an automatic start system.
Transmission; Encased in oil.
Exhaust/Silencer; Positioned in a frontal position, away from the driver.
Steering; Handlebars, which are regularable.
1981 Morini moteur mtobineuse branded Energic.
Fuel consumption; Approx., 1 litre of fuel per hour dependent upon working conditions.
Throttle control; Operated from beneath the left-hand side of the handlebars.
Wheels; Either mono wheel or dual. Simple to change over depending upon the working width requirements. 400 x 4.
1981 Morini moteur mtobineuse branded Energic.
Fuel Consummation; 0.8 to 1.2 litres per hour dependent upon working conditions.
Handlebars; Adjustable left to right and up and down.
Weight. 40+kgs.
Adaptions. For hoeing/binage 5 settings between 16, 26 using 2 elements/blades (monowheel), 37, 48 using 4 blades to 60cm using 6 blades (two wheels).
Cutting blades; 2 elements = 16 to 26 cms, 4 elements = 37 to 48 cms and 6 elements = the combination of each of these. The diameter of the cutting blades is 25 cms and they are held in place by tightening bolts on to a hexagonal shaft, for extra rigidity in all working conditions.
************************* Smaller R.A.M. in action ****************************


Read more about the Energic factory history here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 412 here.
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