Energic 205 Motoculteur. (series 200)
Energic 205 motoculteur
Engine/Moteur. Bernard 110 Bis, 5cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3, Air-cooled. Cylinder head/Carter – aluminium with special metal cylinder lining. Cylinder head Hemispheric, with Overhead valves (OHV). The piston is made up of a mixture of aluminium-silicon and copper for maximum resistance under load. Pushrods are regular able, The Crankshaft is mounted on regulated roller bearings with sealing rings at each end giving full safety against the introduction of dust inside the casing. Centrifugal regulator.
Energic 205 motoculteur moteur Bernard 110 bis moteur.
Read more about Bernard engines/moteurs here.
Ignition. Special magnetic flywheel giving a strong sparkle at low speed. With a separate breaker device under a watertight and easily accessible housing.
Lubrication. By constant circulation of oil held within the sump of the engine. The circulation pressure being attained from crankcase pressure spraying/mist drops of oil onto all the moving parts of the engine, including the overhead valves which are under a watertight housing.
Carburateur Automatique. At a constant level.
Energic 205 motoculteur moteur Bernard 110 bis.
Cooling. One large aluminium fan is mounted at the front of the engine, running on ball bearings. This system draws air into the hood circulating around the engine, ensuring cooling. this system was tested in extremely high temperatures and proved effective.
Starting. By hand turning the pulley at the front of the engine, usually with twine/cord.
Air filter. Element.
Gears. 6 forward depending upon the options, this operates through a lever.
Reverse. 3 speeds are available in reverse depending upon the options.
Clutch. Multiple disc type. This operated from a lever.
Exhaust/Silencer. Fitted to the right-hand side in a frontal position (viewed from the rear looking forward), away from the driver.
Steering. By directing the handlebars.

Energic 205 motoculteur moteur Bernard 110 bis.
Wheels. Pneumatic Tyre wheels front. The blockage is independent for each wheel.
Hitch. Manual universal hitch with metal pin to attach diverse ancillary equipment, ploughs, hoes, etc.
Fuel consumption. Up to 1 1/4 litre of fuel per hour dependent upon working conditions. The tank holds approx. 3+ litres.
Throttle control. Operated from the lever on the right-hand handlebar.

Energic 205 motoculteur moteur Bernard 110 bis.
Weight. 215+kgs With additional wheel weights of approx. 25kgs single or (50kgs) double. Also, it is possible to fill the tyre with water for extra traction and weight.
Optional equipment. Fully automatic wheel width regulation. potato lifter/arrache pomme dr terre, barre de coupe 1.45m, various ploughs (15 – 22cms) – Brabant, buttior, bineuse, charrue simple 3 types, bi-soc ploughs, cultivateurs, expirpateur 5 dents, rotavator/fraise rotaive – 350/500mm, harrow/herse, wheel weights/masses, extra sprockets in the gearbox to double the gears, poulie 110mm, various towing brackets/attelages, sprayers/ pulverisateur 100liters- pipe- 1 lance, metal wheels/roues méttaliques, seed planter/semoir, winch/treuil and various variations on wheel sizes and dimensions.
Energic 205 Winch/Treuil moteur Bernard 110 bis.
Plaques manufacturer.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
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Read more about Energic Engine suppliers Ruggerini here.
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Read more about Energic Sachs Engines/Moteurs here.
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