Bernard Engines/Moteurs
Created in 1920 by Auguste Bernard. The company bore his name “Bernard Motors”, their principal business was the manufacture of industrial and agricultural engines. They quickly gained a strong reputation for robust and high-quality engines that were adopted by larger concerns looking for a high-quality engine. In 1924 they formed an association with “Guinard”, a manufacturer of pumps. And in 1929 they acquired C L Conord.
In 1934 Auguste Bernard sadly died, and his brother Frédêric took control as president with the support of Auguste’s son Jacques as a main board director. In 1941 Bernard Motors repurchased the thermal engines department from Ets. Japy Frères.
In 1947 they produced their first air-cooled light-alloy engine, the W10. This was followed by many successful derivatives of this all air-cooled engine, which powered the Energic motoculteurs of the mid-1950s onwards. Notably the W110 (1951), W39 (1958), W139 (1961), and so on.
They were sold to the manufacturing/automotive giant “Renault” in the early seventies (1972) and then de merged later.
Today Bernard Motors is the only French manufacturer capable of supplying, in its category, thermal engines and specific groups intended for Industry, Building, Agriculture, Civil Protection.
Bernard W19, W39, W139, W239, 110, 110BIS, W610 and W810 are all used within the Energic Motoculteur ranges at different times in the post-war period.
Here is just a selection of the many Energic motoculteurs that employed the strong Motors Bernard for 20 years+.
Energic model 103. Bernard W19, 4 stroke. 3.0cv, Cylinder 143cm3, alésage 56 x course 58. Energic’s cheapest/entry model for the serious smaller agriculture, or professional use in horticulture, agriculture – smallholder – viticulture.
Enegic model 104; Motor Bernard w 110, 4cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 64mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 206cm3, Air-cooled. Cylinder head/Carter – aluminium with special metal cylinder lining. Cylinder head Hemispheric, with Overhead valves (OHV). The piston is made up of a mixture of aluminium-silicon and copper for maximum resistance under load. Pushrods are regular able, The Crankshaft is mounted on regulated roller bearings with sealing rings at each end giving full safety against the introduction of dust inside the casing. Centrifugal regulator.
Energic model 114; Motor Bernard W 39, 4cv @ 3600 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 60mm x Course 58mm. Cylinder 164cm3.
Energic model 115 ; Motor Bernard W 239 4 stroke, mono-cylinder, 5cv at 3600 t/min, alésage; 62mm x Course 60mm x Cylinder 181cm3.
Energic model 123; Motor Bernard W 39, 3.5cv @ 3600 rpm.(moteur available from 1958), Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 60mm x Course 58mm. Cylinder 164cm3, Air cooled.
Energic model 125; Motor Bernard W239 A 4.5 ch four-stroke (type D/G), Single cylinder, air-cooled.
Energic model 136; Motor Bernard W239 A 5 cv @ 3,600 tours/minute, 181 cm3, alesage 62 x course 60, four stroke, Single cylinder.

Energic model 145; Motor Bernard W147, power 5cv. stroke/temps. Alesage 60 x Course 57. 161 cm3.
Energic model 204; Motor Bernard w 110, 4cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 64mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 206cm3, Air cooled.
Energic model 205; Motor Bernard 110 Bis, 5cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3, Air-cooled.

Energic motoculteur 206 Moteur Bernard W 610, 6cv.
Energic model 206; Moteur Bernard W 610, 6cv , 6cv at 3000 tp/m, single cylinder, 4 stroke, OHV valves, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3. Air cooled.

Energic motoculteur 214 Bernard moteurs w 110 4cv.
Energic model 214; Motor Bernard w 110, 4cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 64mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 206cm3, Air cooled.

Energic motoculteur 215 Bernard moteurs 110 BIS 5cv.
Energic model 215; Moteur Bernard 110 BIS 5cv @ 2500 rpm., Single cylinder, 4 stroke, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. 240cm3. Air cooled.
Energic model 216; Moteur Bernard W 610, 6cv , 6cv at 3000 tp/m, single cylinder, 4 stroke, OHV valves, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3. Air cooled.
Energic model 218; Bernard W810, 8cv @ 3600 rpm., single-cylinder, OHV. valves, 4 stroke, Alésage 70mm x Course 70mm, 270cm3. Air-cooled.
Energic model 224; Moteur Bernard W110, 4cv at 2500 tp/m, single cylinder, 4 stroke, OHV valves, Alésage 64mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 206m3.
Energic model 225; Moteur Bernard W 110 BIS, 5cv , 5cv at 2500 tp/m, single cylinder, 4 stroke, OHV valves, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3.

Energic model 226; Moteur Bernard W 610, 6cv , 6cv at 3000 tp/m, single cylinder, 4 stroke, OHV valves, Alésage 69mm x Course 64mm. Cylinder 240cm3.

Energic model 228; 8cv Bernard W 810, 8cv @ 3600 rpm., single cylinder, OHV. valves, 4 stroke, Alésage 70mm x Course 70mm, 270cm3. Air cooled.
Here are just s selection of the many Energic motoculteurs that employed the strong Motors Bernard for 20 years+.

Energic Motobineuse Type L 34.
Engine/moteur; Type Bernard 161 cm3, single cylinder, 4 cv, 4 stroke.
Here are some power ratings in CV and dates when the engines were available from;
Engine types; W19 = 3cv, W39 = 3,5cv, W139 = 4cv, W 239 = 4.5cv, 110 = 4cv, 110 BIS = 5cv, W610 = 6cv et W810 8cv.
Dates available; W110 en 1951, W19 sorti en 1955, W39 en 1958, 110 BIS en 1959, W610 en 1959, W139 en 1961, W239 en 1962 et W810 en 1963.

Energic motoculteur typical specification sheet for Bernard moteurs.
Bernard Moteur tables, power, and specification;

Energic motoculteur Bernard moteurs W810 8cv.

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