Oil Levels/Niveaux d’huile.
It is very important to check the engine and pont oil levels before you start up the Energic motoculteur for work. This is usually part of a regular routine, as the consequences of no or low oil levels will affect the motoculteur ability to work effectively and the length of its overall working life. As ceased parts, motors, gearbox, ponts etc., are very expensive to repair. Especially as the parts are not readily available for replacement.
The engine;

Energic B bloc oil level and refill plug position.
Check the engine oil level in the engine when cold, it should be 1cm lower than the top of the filling capped access hole. Remember to tighten the plug and replace the washer/gasket when required.

Energic S bloc oil level and refill plug position – copper top.
For the Pont;
In the pont with the main transfer gear is housed connected to the wheels, it is important to keep the oil level at the correct level.
On the bottom rear left of the chassis, you will find 2 plugged holes. The oil filler hole top and the oil level hole bottom. If you overfill then the oil comes out of the axle joints, no harm will be done, just a waste of oil. Before you remove these short bolts for filling the oil to the correct level, check you have new copper washers to replace the old ones. Oil is often left in the pont well past its active life and sometimes water seeps in through the inspection hatch.
Fill from the top of the pont chassis. Check if the main gear wheel is corroded. This is also often obvious when you see the underside of the protection inspection cap.
Top inspection hole and access cap. On the first cap, you can see the water has rusted the under surface.
I have had ponts just full of water either by design as a lubricant or by the ingress and contamination of water through the inspection hole on the top of the pont – not being sealed correctly. Use plenty of grease to waterproof the cap, which needs to be well screwed down.
A view through the inspection hole to the main gear for the axle. You can also see the bearing is sitting on and second gear for a drive. These are very robust gears and can withstand a lot of abuse, and water damage! It is important to oil the internal bearing if the motoculteur has not been used in a while. Squirt oil directly on the bearing which is normally lubricated by splash from the wheel gear turning.
oil level in the oil reserve tank for the S Bloc motors (1937+).
You need to have a minimum of 2/3 full in the oil reservoir (S bloc). Overfill and the excess oil goes down the overflow pipe (right) onto the chain. Really you should put the motoculteur in one of the gear neutrals (point Mort) and turn the chain whilst dripping oil down the overflow pipe to oil/lubricate then drive the chain once a month.
Check that the return pipe at the top of the engine (frotteur de retour) is clear and unblocked. At it is the exit point from the engine through to the entry point into the oil tank. Normally there is a weighted perforated sleeve over the entry pipe into the oil tank because of the pressure of oil circulating back to the oil tank. (See above).
The ball bearing in the oil float valve (flotteur) at the bottom of the engine should revolve/moves freely. This regulates the circulation of the oil in the motor. There are 3 settings on the Pointeau attached to the flotteur for regulation of the quantity of oil in the engine from the return valve. These are set by the factory and normally not altered.
Also if the oil floater valve has been removed and not replaced correctly, or not been seated correctly into the carter therefore not offering the pointeau in the correct position, then this will affect the flow of oil and the efficiency of the engine.
So these are the questions you must ask yourself before stating and operating the motoculteur; Do you have enough oil in the oil tank to get a return flow? You should have 2/3 to 3/4 full with the engine at rest. Not higher than the top of the evacuation pipe to the chain
The previous version of the C7 and D9 model (C7 4BL and D9 5BL) had problems with overheating due to the lack of volume oil circulation with a smaller vertical reservoir. The later S bloc models moved to a larger capacity tank and a float system.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.
Read more about Energic Tracteur 519 T.M.D.Indenor engine/moteur here.
Read more about Energic Engine suppliers Ruggerini here.
Read more about Energic Engine/Moteur supplier Peugeot here.
Read more about Energic Sachs Engines/Moteurs here.
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