Energic motoculteur C7 B4L Project Belle.
“Garden ornament of spares 80 Euros” This how what was left of this Energic motoculteur was advertised!
Quand j’ai vu les photos de seulement le châssis et le capot sans moteur, magnéto, carburateur, pignons de chaîne d’entraînement, etc. je savais que ceci était tout ce qui restait d’un ancien C7 B4L. Du coup j’ai appelé le vendeur tout de suite!
A 3:30 du matin, j’ai commencé à conduire vers l’Espagne, tournant à gauche quand je me suis rapproché de la frontière, puis je me suis dirigé vers l’Italie – ceci allait être une longue journée. 760 KM plus tard, je suis arrivé au milieu de la journée à ma destination avec une chaleur de 27 degrés après avoir conduit sur des routes à une seule piste, à travers des travaux routiers et des détournements. Sebastian m’a accueilli et m’a offert des rafraîchissements puis j’ai remarqué les restes de l’ancien motorculteur Energic dans un champ opposé. Il était resté dehors depuis l’achat de la propriété il y a plus de 20 ans. Il m’a informé qu’au début il l’avait démantelé et que le moteur était bloqué. Depuis il est resté dehors. Le moteur avait été retrouvé la veil avec une boîte de pièces rouillées dans l’herbe ou dans un tas de déchets métalliques. GAGNE!
J’ai observé toutes les pièces qui étaient dans la boîte et le moteur corrodé – ils étaient en mauvais état. Nous avons ensuite cherché la poignée de démarrage et d’autres parties manquantes dans le champ, mais sans succès. J’étais satisfait avec le lot et j’ai proposé de payer les frais de port s’il découvrait d’autres pièces dans le champ plus tard.
J’ai chargé le châssis sur ma remorque et les autres pièces dans le fourgon, payé les 80 euros et je suis parti. Pendant le long voyage de retour j’attendais avec impatience de découvrir ce que je pourrais faire avec les pièces que j’avais récupérés ce jour-là. Après l’aller-retour de 1520 KM, 14,5 heures de conduite, 2 réservoirs de carburant et une journée de 16,5 heures, j’étais enfin de retour chez moi – épuisé mais content de ce que j’avais réalisé ce jour.
Allez project Belle.
When I saw the photos of just the chassis with the hood and no engine, magneto, carburettor, drive chain sprockets etc. I knew that this was what was left of an early Energic motoculteur C7 B4L. I made the phone call straight away!
3.30am start heading towards Spain then turning left near the border then head towards Italy – it was going to be a long day. 760 KM’s later I arrived in 27 degrees midday heat after driving down a single lane track, roadworks and diversions. Sebastian welcomed me and offered me refreshments which I declined as I spotted the remains of the ancient Energic motorculteur in a field opposite. It had stood outside, as part of the sale, from when he bought the property 20 plus years ago. He informed me that he had dismantled it many years ago and the engine was blocked. It then had been left outside. The engine had been in the grass or in the pile of metal waste, he had recovered it the day before along with a box of rusty parts. JACKPOT!
I looked at all the parts in the box and the corroded engine – which was in a bad state. We then searched for the starting handle in the field and other missing parts – no success. I was happy with the haul and offered to pay postage if he recovered any more parts from the field.
I loaded the chassis on the trailer and the parts into the van, paid the 80 euros and left. During the long journey home my mind was racing with anticipation of what was possible with the parts I had salvaged that day. After 1520 KM’s round trip, 14.5 hours driving, 2 tanks of fuel and a 16.5 hour day I was home – knackered but excited about the prospects!

Energic motoculteur Project Belle C7 B4L.
Voir information ici/see information on the Energic motoculteur C7 4BL
The next day after work I sorted out the parts from the box and laid them in the barn for inspection;

Energic motoculteur C7 B4L moteur
The moteur was blocked and in a bad state. But it had the original magneto! excellent.
Now to strip down the parts, engine, chassis and see what is broken or missing.
- Start with the chassis.
The fan assembly posts were missing along with the connecting rods but I had spares so that was OK. I looked into the pont and even though there was plenty of water the main gear drive was reasonably oiled/greased up. Draining the sediment oil took 3 days along with cleaning internally. Then refilling to the right height with new none aggressive oil.
Top of the pont and main drive gears.
After the water, the split old oil is heated and left to run out.
The Wheel clutches were ceased along with the pont gears/selection. In fact all the controls where ceased due to being outside and the effects of the weather/rust and debris baked on to the components.
Chassis undergoing assembly after initial clean. The control levers were un seized (at the lever control end).
Chassis second clean and reassembly with fan posts and fans in place.
Finally, the chassis is clean and partly reassembled.
2; Work on the engine;
Strip off the cylinder head and de-coke the inlet and exhaust valves.
Cylinder head, showing carbon and other deposits, a build-up of many many years of use.
Top of the cylinder with inlet and exhaust valve, the lighter showing the exhaust heat.
First clean, cylinder top and piston soaked in penetration oil. First movement on piston after being ceased for 40 years.
Water ingress into the Magneto, you can see the level of water here!
Drive chain sprocket with 40+ years of dirt etc. Cleaned up, ready to be fitted, using a 1/2 moon Clavette.
Drive chain awaiting cleaning, split pin and circlips on view. The chain tensioner to be cleaned.
The Chainguard is first degreased. Note that this piece is intact.
Both the chain guard and hood (after I had straightened the metal and dug out the “energic” emblem, still with the original red paint on.
Non-original carburettor awaiting clean.
The security bolt was misaligned due to the handlebars being bent upward away from the hitch bracket. The bars were bent back to the correct angles.
The Hitch swivel bar connector arm was unseized, using penetrating oil and elbow grease/power.
Clutch reassembly with conical operating worm drive.
Inner drive gear for magneto through inspection hole. Upper direct drive gear from the magneto.
After many hours of work, disassembly, part remanufactured, part replacement and reassembly the motoculteur took shape (photos to follow).
Voir information ici/see information on the Energic motoculteur C7 4BL
Read more about Energic Wheel clutch pins here.
Read more about Energic Fan assembly and grease cups here.
Read more about Energic Motobécane engines and history here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur D9 B5L here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur D9 S Bloc here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur C7 S Bloc here.
Read more about Energic History here.
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