Early Energic Save (grave) yard.
Here are a number of Energic motoculteur B5, C7 and D9 machines saved from the scrap graveyard, some that helped others run again and interesting Energic motoculteur B5, C7 and D9 photos. Quite a few of the motoculteurs are taken from the clutches of Scrap metal dealers, Moteur transplanters/searchers. Many are from restoration amateurs, farmers fields, barn finds and the side of the roadside Energic motoculteur finds.

Rescued from a ditch, outside for 30+ years. Energic motoculteur D9.

No clutch, bonnet, Stuck in 1st gear, fans substituted and wheel clutches welded. Energicmotoculteur D9.
This Energic motoculteur D9 kissed by the sun and drenched by the rain for many years!

Cutting the grass was a problem under this Energic motoculteur C7.
Is that a tree growing through this Energic motoculteur C7?

This Energic motoculteur D9 is wedged in the corner, covered in thick rubberized paint-ready ripe for restoration.
Energic motoculteur C7 B4L Garden ornament with heavily corroded engine rescued from the near by compost /recycled scrap metal heap.
A Barn find – under a pile of wood, old engine and Energic motoculteur parts. A gem!

Energic C7 B4L in that long grass/field.

Just the engine from this Energic motoculteur and front of the chassis here under a muck heap!
Left in a barn, uncovered by new owners of the property. Now added to the collection. Very Rare Energic motoculteur B5L.

Remnants of a rare Energic motoculteur B5. Saved for another project.

Energic motoculteur whats left of it !

Energic motoculteur C7 B4L Project Belle.

Magneto out and coil in, this Energic motoculteur has been updated!

Energic motoculteur D9 in great original condition.

The air filter in a strange position, with no capot. Energic motoculteur salvage.

Energic motoculteur D9 in great original condition.

Love those slicks tyres/wheels, this Energic motoculteur has seen better days.

Great hand made air filter! Energic motoculteur modified must have worked once!

Energic motoculteur moteur C7.

Energic motoculteur C7/D9 with great sulky.

Beast ready for action. Energic motoculteur D9 power!

Welcome home this early Energic motoculteur S bloc C7.

Energic B bloc moteur + big hole!
Needs more welding do not think so!

Energic motoculteur D9 or whats left of it.

Now you see it and below motor gone!
Energic moto-charroue G9 rare and rusty.

Energic motoculteur C7 remnants.
Energic motoculteur C7/D9 no moteur, possible!
Energic motoculteur B5, well what’s left. Needs engine block base panel removal and engine sourced!
Energic 350cc moteur, incomplete. Should have been left with the motoculteur!!
C7 Energic motoculteur just needs a clean and to be restarted!
Energic C7 engine complete, clean, wroom!
Restored Energic motoculteur D9, older type with S bloc engine. On show. (painted non-energic colour).
Modified wheels on this early B4L C7 350cc, makes an interesting starting point.

Energic motoculteur C7 courtasy Karl Puhl donated to a museum.

Energic C7 4BL ready to restart completely.

Energic motoculteur C7 moteur shot – courtasy Karl Puhl donated to a museum.

Energic motoculteur D9, look at that exhaust placement!

Energic motoculteur C7 double wheels and weights.

Energic museum piece with trailer in situ.

Energic motoculteur C7 resplendent in its new paint work.

Energic motoculteur C7 ready for a change of paint and restoration look at those bent fans!

Front shot paint me the correct colour!

Ready to get a complete make over!

Those Spud lug metal wheels usually found on a 409!

Double spade and spud combination on this D9!

Double spade and spud combination on this D9!

Clean motor rare!

Energic motoculteur C7 Oldie.

Great example, ready to roll.

snapped up!

How clean – is it possible?


Energic motoculteur D9 ready to roll.

Not sure about that fan/ventilator!

Project here we come!

In a dark shed…..let me out!

Energic motoculteur C7 moteur, needs attention.

Energic motoculteur D9 great!

Energic C7 ripe for the picking.

Another Energic C7 growing out there.

Energic C7 engine ready for restoration.

Energic C7 clean and tidy.

Energic D9 plenty of work here.

Energic D9 other angle

Energic C7 Hood ready to be reworked.

Energic C7 and plough somewhere! – a fined.

Energic C7/D9 double wheels.

Energic C7/D9 retivator – a fined.
Read more about Energic motoculteur C7 B4L here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur D9 B5L here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur D9 S Bloc here.
Read more about Energic motoculteur C7 S Bloc here.
Read more about Energic History here.
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