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Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1

Energic 511 Tracteur (original shape) available from 1950/late 54.

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 brochure.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Prototype 500/700cc?

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

In the 1950s the new 511 tractor from Energic was showcased. It had a new in house Patissier manufactured engine (that was also used in the Energic 411 motoculteur of the time). The initial early models had a smaller steering wheel which was changed to a larger type in 1954. See more information on Energic tracteur 511 mark 2 from 1954/5 here.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 frontal view.

Engine. Single-cylinder Patissier engine, petrol (essence), 11cv, 700cm3, Alésage x course: 95 x 98 mm, air-cooled, four-stroke with enclosed Lateral valves. The cylinder head is made from special aluminium.
(Soupapes latĂ©rales inclinĂ©ees, embiellage montĂ© sur de forts roulements Ă  galets, tĂŞte de bielle cĂ©mentĂ©e et rectifiĂ©e tournant sur de forts roulements Ă  aiguilles). Culasse en alliage spĂ©cial d’aluminium.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Lubrication. By constant circulation of oil held within the sump of the engine, 3.5 litres. The circulation by pumped pressure also from crankcase compression. (Graissage par pompe incorporée).

Cooling. One large aluminium fan is mounted at the front of the engine, running on ball bearings. This system draws air into the hood circulating around the engine, ensuring cooling. this system was tested in extremely high temperatures and proved effective. (Refroidissement par air forcé (ventilateur puissant).

Starting. By hand crank, either directly on to the motor, or via the multiplicator. Both located at the front of the engine.

Air filter/Cleaner. Metallic element – (dependent upon the element that can be oil surface coated).

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Steering. By worm gear.

Carburateur. ZĂ©nith with lever for easier starting. in the cold.( ZĂ©nith tous terrains, avec volet d’air pour dĂ©parts Ă  froid).

Gears. The three-speed gearbox is built within the engine offering 2 variations either 3 forward and 1 reverse or 6 forward and 3 reverse gears.12 gears were obtainable as an optional extra.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Speeds. Either 3 or 6 speed.

3 speed giving forward speeds of; 1st gear 2 kmh, 2nd gear 3 kmh, 3rd gear 9 kmh. + 1-speed reverse.

6 speed giving forward speeds of; 1st gear 2 kmh, 2ndt gear 3 kmh, 3rd gear 4 kmh, 4th gear 7 kmh, 5th gear 12 kmh, 6th gear 18 kmh.+ 3 speed in reverse.

Differential. Blockable.

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1

Clutch. Multiple disc type immersed in oil within the chassis casing, very supple/progressive – pedal operated. PTO; front (revolving at the speed of the engine), side and rear (turning between 125 and 1800 rp/m). Clutch engagement for the PTO systems. ( PTO rear and side options).Embrayage est du type Ă  disques multiples baignat dans l’huile.

Exhaust/Silencer. Fitted in a frontal position right-hand side (when in the driving position), away from the driver.

Magneto. Either Morel or Lavalette type. (Allumage par magnéto à déclic, assurant un démarrage instantanné).

Volt system. 6 volt systems (7 amps), this could later be converted to 12 volts.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Wheels. 3 options; Pneumatic Tyre wheels front 400 x 15 and 750 x 18 Rear. (Dunlop T 17, T 32 or Michelin CR) Blockage is independent for each wheel. Wheel width is regular-able between in 9 stages between 0.85m and 1.15m. These widths are obtained by positioning the wheels into different positions, facing inside and out.

Brakes. On each rear wheel shoe type, pressure by manual foot pedals, independent that can be linked.

Hitch. 3 point lift manual, automatic or hydraulic type Dynabloc.(depending upon the option selected).Breveté system S.G.D.G. (patented in France and the UK) articulated strengthened with universal fitment to all ancillary equipment. Enabling the adjustment of draft and other characteristics required to operate the implements at different depths. The Dynabloc automatic was tested some 200 000, lifting 250kgs, without loss of lift capability.

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Ploughing depth. Up to 12 ins (30,48 cms) dependent upon soil conditions.

Fuel consumption. 1 1/4 to 2 litres of fuel per hour dependent upon working conditions. the tank holds approx.17 liters.(RĂ©servoir de carburant).

Turning circle/Angle of safe working. 1.80m, it was able to operate safely at a maximum angle of 30 degrees at a width of 0.85 m.

Energic tracteur series 500 turning circle Energic tracteur series 500 turning circle

Weight. Really depends on the tracteur set up. An example a tracteur with standard tyres + Type B relevage + with tyres full of water (78 kgs) + metal wheel weights + (92 kgs) = 875 kgs. It depends how you set the tracteur up for ploughing more weight and for lighter sparying (without 200 liters of fluide) – a lot less. With a brabant plough = 970 kgs.

Dimensions. Length 2.2 m, width min. 0.85 m to 1015 m and height to steering wheel 1.15 m. (Longueur totale 2.2 m, Largeur de 0.85 m – 1.15 m, Ă  1.15 m Hauteur au volant). Ground clearance front axle 37 cms and rear axle clearance 28 cms.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Optional equipment/adaptions. Energic 511 models; Electric start, lights, 3 point lift hydraulic Dynabloc, rotivator/fraise, high pressure reservoir for the the treatment of fruit trees/pulvérisateur (haute pression pour le traitement des arbes fruitiers). Trailer/remorquages. Wheel weights. Poulies diameter 180mm offering adaption perpendicular to the PTO. Hoe/cultivateur special 10 dents, winch.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Dynastar electric pack

Plough; Brabant mono soc 1/4 turn versions cylindrical x 2 (25 and 30 cms), version 1/2 helicoidaux (20 cms).

Model B from 1953 fitted with a winch/treuil option. (steel cable 100, 150 and 200m in length).

Model B from 1952 fitted with a Hay/grass cutter Barre de coupe option.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

See more information on Energic tracteur 511 mark 2 from 1954/5 here.

**********The following attachments where available on the 511 series***********


Energic 511 treuil petrol

Energic tracteur 511 6v petrol treuil Energic tracteur 511 6v petrol treuil Energic tracteur 511 6v petrol treuil

****Ploughs/charrues**** Brabant mono soc 1/4 turn versions cylindrical x 2 (25 and 30 cms), version 1/2 helicoidaux (20 cms) and other variations see below.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic tracteur 500 series with charrue brabant monosoc.

Energic Tracteur 500 series bi soc charrue

Bi-soc No 63 (sur Cadre) angled non-reversible plough. With 2 positions for the blades either normal or décvaillonneur. Also available in many models adapted for the type of agricultural requirement. such as the depth of plough, 25 or 30 cms. Types including Bec de Canard, soc ordinaire. Décavaillonneur for work on plantations, vines, orchards etc.

Energic Tracteur 500 series tri soc charrue

Tri-soc No 68/ No 63 (sur Cadre) angled non-reversible plough. With 2 positions for the blades either normal or décvaillonneur. Types including Bec de Canard, soc ordinaire. Décavaillonneur for work on plantations, orchards, vines etc.. You can transform the Tri-soc into a bi-soc quite easily.

3 soc/corps mounted on a chassis plough for vine work/viticulture.

****Plough Brabant 1/2 turn/tour****

Brabant 1/2 turn 12 inches, Energic manufactured with regularable width, depth of cut. It is necessary to alter the wheelbase/width of the tracteur to facilitate this larger plough.

Brabants 1/4 turn are available in 25 cms and 30 cms plough depth forms in cylindriques. Brabants are also available in 1/4 turn 25 cms and 30 cms plough depth forms in HĂ©licoidaux (soc rocheux). Upon demand they can be bought in allonges de versoirs, bec de canard, rasettes, pleine soc, porte socs etc.


Energic Tracteur 500 series 1 soc buttier Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Buttoir No 55

Left to right; Buttoir No 26 and No 55. For planting crops inline, row crops, potatoes etc.

****Hoes/Bineuse on Chassis No 43****

Energic Tracteur 500 series Bineuse No 59 for cultures in line Energic Tracteur 500 series 5 tine cultivateur on a chassis for cultures in line Energic Tracteur 500 series Cultivateur No 43 Energic Tracteur 500 series Cultivateur No 43 Energic Tracteur 500 series Cultivateur No 45

Hoe 5 socs on a chassis No 43. Chassis No 43 consists of a frame in the shape of a V, which is variable in width depending upon the use. Normal with 5 or 7 dents or long with 9 dents. It also can be used as a Cultivateur with 5, 7 or 9 dents that are semi-rigid. Or an Expirpateur the same with dents rigid. In the form of a Bineuse, it would have 3 or 5 socs in normal form and 7 socs in long-form. The wheels can be altered to height or removed.From left to right Bineuse 5 soc, Bineuse 5 soc, Bineuse No 31 (3 or 5 dents), cultivateur 7 dents and cultivateur 5 dents. Photo above with tracteur – cultivateur 7 dents.

****Cultivateurs/Extirpateur No 42****

Energic Tracteur 500 series Cultivateur No 45 Energic Tracteur 500 series Extirpateur No 42

Left photo; Cultivateur No 45 with 5 or 7 dents, semi-flexible mounted directly on the chassis. Either 150 mm, 175 mm or 200 mm curve. Right Extirpateur No 42, 5 or 7 dents. The dents are rigid on the Extirpateur.

****Hay/grass cutters****

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1, series 500 with hay cutter/fauchauseuse

Available as is retrofit to the rear behind a dynabloc or the PTO. It was regulable for height and angle. With 3 cutting positions on the blade for course to a fine cut and for different crops; available in Normale, Danoise and Intermediate.

Energic fauchuese bar cut; Normale cut, middle the Intermediaire and bottom the Danoise cut

The top is the Normale cut, the middle the Intermediaire and the bottom the Danoise cut. The distance between the digits being 75 mm, 50 mm and 37.5 mm respectively.

The blades were easily changed for maintenance or in case of breakage/replacement. The cutter/barre de coupe blade being 1.37 m in width. An option could be fitted to all the Energic tracteur 500 series.

Energic tracteur 511 with Here is the cutting bar/ barre de coupe adapted to a Reaper/Moissonner, with extensions, seat and "rateau"

Here is the cutting bar/ barre de coupe adapted to a Reaper/Moissonner, with extensions, seat and “rateau”.


Energic Tracteur 500 series Potato lifter

Potatoe lifters, pullers/Arrache pommes de terre.

****Spraying system/Pulvérisateur****

Maximum capacity of 200 litres, for the treatment of trees, shrubs, vines, fruit trees in all forms of agriculture large to small. The sprayer operates from 0 to 40 kg/cm2 pressure (3 pistons). This can be regulated depending upon the usage, treatment and product. It is operated directly from the PTO/prise de force and can spray through up to 3 lances.

****Rear PTO output****

Energic tracteur 511 The PTO/prise de force can operate a pulley wheel of various diameters from 110 mm, 150 mm, 180 mm, to 210 mm

The PTO/prise de force can operate a pulley wheel of various diameters from 110 mm, 150 mm, 180 mm, to 210 mm. This system can operate external large equipment like combines/moissonneuse, manure distributors/ epandeur de fumier, cutting bars/barre de coupe etc. It can be operated through 6 speeds/gears and is operated stationary for pumps, saws, threshers etc. This PTO box pulley system is attached by 6 screws and can easily be placed or detached.


Energic Tracteur 511, 9 or 10 dent cultivateur positioning

The left photo shows a smaller rear only positioned cultivateur that can be lifted when not in use. The other 9 or 10 dents with supporting wheels.For working on plantations or and full/only soil. The whole width of the tracteur is worked. Operated at slower speeds in plantations.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Rear lifts options;

****Rear lifts options*****

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Type A Dynabloc automatic. Low maintenance, lifting capacity of 250 kgs, The PTO/Prise de force comes out of the back of the Dynabloc system when lifted out of the way. You can either tow from the chap/crochet on the dynabloc or the bar de outils. This system could be fitted to a narrow width of 511/2 as shown in the photo above. (Attelage type S)

Energic tracteur series 500 attelage type B

Energic tracteur series 500 attelage type B.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Energic tracteur series 500 attelage type B Energic tracteur series 500 attelage type B

Type B manual lift. Operated with a lever system pulling through gears and ratchet a cable to raise the towing hook for the ploughs etc.

Energic Tracteur 511 offset implements positioning Energic Tracteur 511 offset implements positioning

You could either pull the implements/outils directly behind the tracteur or set them at an angle to suit the type of agriculture, viticulture you were operating in.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 plough

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 plough offset.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Type C hydraulic lift/revelage hydraulique. Using a 3 point system – operating through the pressure of oil through the Dynabloc, that can be infinitely variable for height and pressure.

****Mounting adaptions****

Energic mouting of adaptions via block and tackle reversing the tracteur Energic mouting of adaptions via block and tackle reversing the tracteur

Treuil, Faucheuse, Pulverisateur and Dynabloc. By the use of a crane or block and tackle lift and reversing the tracteur into position for mounting the adaptions/outils.


Energic tracteur 511 pulling a large agricultural trailer/remorque

Energic tracteur 511 pulling a large agricultural trailer/remorque.

Energic tracteur 511 pulling a large agricultural trailer with guests.

Energic tracteur 511 pulling a large agricultural trailer with guests.

Energic tracteur 511 pulling an agricultural trailer en route.

Energic Tracteur 511 pulling an agricultural trailer en route.

The series 500 tractors could pull up to 3 tonnes, as long as the trailer/remorque had good brakes!

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 preparing for field work in conversation.


Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 model 1954 series A

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 model 1954 series A.

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 model 1954 series A

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 model 1954 series A original condition.


System de dĂ©brayage des roues et jauge d’huile du moteur.

Energic 511 tracteur Energic 511 tracteur Energic 511 tracteur


Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic tracteur 511 mark 1

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 Energic tracteur 511 mark 1

Energic tracteur 511 mark 1 Energic tracteur 511 mark 1

Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic 511 tracteur mark 1 Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.

Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. www.energic.infoEnergic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol. Energic Tracteur 511 mark 1 petrol.


Read more about Energic 511 mark 2 tracteur here.

Read more about Energic 518 tracteur here.

Read more about Energic 519 tracteur here.

Read more about the Energic factory history here.

Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.

Read more about the Energic Motoculteiur 410 here.

Read more about the Energic motoculteur 412 here.

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