Energic Motoculteurs avec Bavolets.
Bavolets were a necessity in vine work for the protection of the vine and to some extent also the motoculteur. The first Energic motoculteurs used in vine work were the Energic B1 (later the Energic B5), then the Energic C7 B4L and Energic D9 5BL. Latterly in late 1933 the Energic S bloc C7 and D9’s.
Here we have a 1930’s photo of an Energic motoculteur C7 B4L adapted for vine work with “Bavolet protecteurs”, – wheel protectors to prevent damage to the vines as the moteurculteur passes. “. This Energic motoculteur C7 B4L is towing a single plough followed by a harrow system that required an extra person to guide the equipment (direction, depth). The air filter is positioned above the engine cover, normally protected in the engine cover, due to the dusty nature of the work. The wheel weight was positioned inside the wheels, to reduce the width. There is an extra bar for steering (see below adjustable steering option on later models).
The motoculteurs width could be modified from over a meter wide to less than 57cms to deal with the specific demands of viticulture, as well as difficult terrain on many hill farms -slopes, depths.
On the C7 & D9 models the Bavolets option was available in 2 versions.
Adjustable handlebars Left to right.
This photo shows the wheel protectors, wheel weights inside, reduced width wheel settings, fender bar extensions from the front to the wheel protectors – but in conjunction with an adjustable steering unit. This enabled the Energic motorculteur operator to work at an angle left or right with further adjustment for height. A single plough was enough for work between the vines, due to the close proximity of the vine rows. (between 70cm and a meter in width).
Models available after 1945;
After the war, the Energic 409 flagship motoculteur could be fitted with Bavolets for vine work (later available on the whole of the 400 series; 410, 411 and 412 motoculteurs). 3 types existed. No.1; just the wheel its self, No. 2; the leading edges on to the wheel and finally No. 3; the all-enveloping “envelopment” protector which streamlined the whole machine for easy passage through the vines and close orchard work. option 3 means that some of the lever control needed to be routed over the fuel tank.
I have seen wire protectors on Mototracteurs 712. They constitute thick bent wire from the front on the mototracteur to across the wheels to the rear. Bolted to the front weight.
Certain small tracteurs were fitted with bavolets such as the 510, 511 and 512 vignerons tracteurs. They were developed to cater for larger vineyards and the greater demands of mechanization.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.
Read more about Energic Tracteur 519 T.M.D.Indenor engine/moteur here.
Read more about Energic Engine suppliers Ruggerini here.
Read more about Energic Engine/Moteur supplier Peugeot here.
Read more about Energic Sachs Engines/Moteurs here.
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One of my favorite photos of a C7 during the second world war pulling casks on double trailers – excellent.