Energic Motobineuse L 53 – transform to 4 machines.
In the late 70’s early 80’s, the brand Energic was just keeping its head above water against the stiff competition – now domestic competition. They produced a multi-functional machine capable of a multitude of tasks from Motobineuse, Motoculteur, Motofaucheuse to Tondobroyeuse. It came in a range of 4 different option moteurs dependent upon the type of usage, size of terrain, etc.

Energic Motobineuse L53/L56 with Briggs & Stratton moteur 127cc or 206cc
****Part of the L 50 engined/moteur range see L 54 here, L 56 here. and L 55 here****
Engine/Moteur. Model L53 Briggs & Stratton, type 80200, single-cylinder, 127cc, 5 cv, 4 stroke, petrol.
Cooling. By air circulation.
Starting. By handle pull cord.
Clutch/Embrayage. Automatic centrafugel.
Air filter. Paper filter/cartouche humide.
Gears. Multi-speed/vitesse. It is possible to obtain 2 speeds by adding a sprocket gear- option of 7 speeds/gears by application of sprocket at different ratios.
Clutch. Automatic.
Exhaust/Silencer. Fitted to the left-hand side in a frontal position (viewed from the rear looking forward), away from the driver.

Energic Motobineuse L53/L56 with Briggs & Stratton moteur 127cc or 206cc
Steering. Handle bars, which are regularable for height and lateral movement.
Box of transmission/Carter de transmission. Consists of 2 pieces. Firstly main section in bronze and secondly the box for the lateral blade/lame.
Wheels. I supporting wheel to move the machine, tilt the weight forward.
Fuel consumption. 1.5 to 2 litres of fuel per hour dependent upon working conditions. The tank holds approx. 2.5 litres.
Throttle control. Operated from beneath the right-hand side of the handle bars.
Cutting blade. 1.10m width.
Weight. 30+kgs.
Anti-Vibration. There was a new system of anti-vibration dampener in place under the handlebars to minimize the vibration level in operation.
Oils Recommended. BP oil tracteur universal S1 10 w 30. With the first oil change being at 5 hours operation and after that every 20 hours.
They all could be transformed into a Motobineuse (rotivator), Motoculteur (plough, hoes etc.), Motofaucheuse (grass cutting) or Tondobroyeuse (grinding machine).
****Here at a local agricultural fair/comice****

Energic stand at an agricultural fair/comice the late 1970s/early 80s.
With the L 50 moteured range of machines to the rear.
The Briggs & Stratton moteur on the left-hand side and the ILO moteur on the right-hand side.
Read more about Energic Briggs & Stratton moteurs history here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.
Read more about Energic Tracteur 519 T.M.D.Indenor engine/moteur here.
Read more about Energic Engine suppliers Ruggerini here.
Read more about Energic Engine/Moteur supplier Peugeot here.
Read more about Energic Sachs Engines/Moteurs here.
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