Energic 4RM 1038 (1977 – 82).

Energic 4 RM 1038 tracteur 35cv Ruggerini motor.
The replacement for the Slanzi Moteur 1500cc (1962 – 1976).
This is the third generation replacement for the Energic 4 RM 28 (this used an uprated 35 cv Ruggerini moteur different from the previous 1500 cc Slanzi 2 cylinder Moteur 35cv ). Available from 1977/82. This was due to the Italian manufacturer of Slanzi being bought out and merged into the large Italian engineering group Lombardini in the late 1970s. Lombardini replaced some Slanzi installations with the more up to date Ruggerini engines/moteurs of the time.
Engine/ Moteur. Ruggerini Diesel 1500cc (actual 1492 cc), type RD 100/2P, 35 cv, bi cylinder, 4 stroke, 4 wheel drive. Max. rev. per min. 3000, dry weight 132 kgs, (The replacement for the Slanzi moteur 1330cc/1500cc from 1962 – 1976).

Energic 4 RM 1038 35cv tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini motor 1979 brochure model.

Energic 4 RM 1038 35cv tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini motor 1979 rear view.
Read more about Ruggerini engine/moteurs in Energic Tracteurs here.
Speed in gears; 1 – gear 2.816km/h, 2 – 3.876km/h, 3 – 5.639km/h, 4- 8.203km/h, 5- 11.279km/h, 6 – 16.409km/h

Energic 4 RM 1038 tracteur 35cv Ruggerini moteur 1979 model.
Dimensions; width min., 0.76m, length 2.85m
Wheels; front & rear 750 x 16.
Weight; 1264 kgs.
Fuel tank capacity; 10.5 ltr.

Energic 4 RM 1038 35cv tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini motor in need of restoration.
Air filter; In a bath of oil.
Clutch; Dry single disc type.
Gears; 6 speed forward, 3-speed reverse, steering pivot within the wheels, maximum 60 degrees, turning circle just 1.30 meters. Drive direct to the front wheels, with a connecting shaft to the rear wheels. Differential blockable.
Hitch; Multifunctional rear couplings from trailers to equipment.

Energic 4 RM 1038 tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini moteur 1981. (face lift model). Front view.
PTO; 3 PTO’s/Prise de forces, available in all gears. Forward PTO’s options operated directly from the gearbox. There was also the option of an intermediate PTO. The third PTO was situated at the rear. The PTO was available in all 9 gears to a max.@ 2000 t/m. With the tracteur moving;1st gear 270 turns/minute t/m, 2nd gear 372 t/m, 3rd gear 540 t/m, 4th gear 800 t/m, 5th gear 1080 t/m, 6th gear 1520 t/m. Tracteur stationary; 1st gear 790 t/m, 2nd gear 1085 t/m and 3rd gear 1580 t/m.
Brakes; Front within the wheel, with hand-operated brake for each front wheel to help in manoeuvrability.

Energic 4 RM 1038 35cv tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini motor engine plaque.
Fuel filters. Cartridge type, replaceable.
Electrics. With dynamo, starter, battery 12v 50amps., lights front and back, and plug for trailers sockets.
Hydraulic lift; 3 point – with a lift max. the force of 4 tons, Manuel adjusters for hydraulic, operation of the hydraulics from the instrument console.

Energic 4 RM 1038 tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini moteur 1981 model (face lift model). Side view.
Steering. ZF power-assisted steering.
Seat; Height (0.80m) and pitch adjustment, height bonnet 1m.
Oil lubrication. By internal pump.
Oil Capacity. Gearbox 11+ litres, Pont 12 litres and Pont rear 4.5 litres.

Energic 4 RM 1038 tracteur 35cv Ruggerdini moteur 1981. (face lift model).
Read more about Ruggerdini history and engines/moteurs in the Energic Brand here.
Read more about the Petrol/Essence Energic Mototracteur 712 here.
Read more about the Diesel Energic Mototracteur 712 here.
Read more about the Energic factory history here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.
Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.
Read more about the Energic motoculteur 412 here.
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****Implements/outils for the 4 RM range****
Energic 4 RM tri-soc plough (or 4 soc possible).
Energic 4 RM with Brabant plough No. 3. 1/4 turn.
Energic 4 RM equipped with a Srayer system/Pulvérisateur capacity of 200 litres.
Energic 4 RM equipped with a trailer/remorque on articulation.
Energic 4 RM equipped with an agricultural trailer/remorque on articulation.
Other implements available; ploughs, cultivators, hoes, rotavator/fraise rotative, grass cutter/barre de coupe, poulie etc.

****Energic Tracteur 4 RM in action, in the field, vine period photo 1960’s****
Energic 4 RM working in the vines.
Energic 4 RM turning circle in working conditions.
Energic 4 RM working in a Nursery/Pepinière with a 1-meter implement.
Energic 4 RM working within a 2-meter width orchard.
Energic 4 RM ploughing with a Brabant reversible plough.