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Energic 4RM

4WD/RM models from 1962.

4WD/RM models from 1962 4WD/RM models from 1962

Ets. Patissier could not afford the huge Research and development costs associated with new engines in new models, so they bought in designs and engines for the new 4WD models from leading Italian manufacturers. (Also using Ceres engines in a few of the models).

Energic 4WD tracteur Energic 4WD tracteur Energic 4WD tracteur

Draw the curser across to the Energic type, series, range or machine of your choice and click for more information.

Dessinez le curseur sur le type d’Energic de votre choix et cliquez pour plus d’informations.

Energic demonstration 4RM 12/18 tracteur range in the vines

Energic demonstration 4RM 12/18 tracteur range in the vines.

Energic demonstration 4RM 12/18 tracteur range. Energic demonstration 4RM 12/18 tracteur range. Energic demonstration 4RM 12/18 tracteur range.

Energic 4RM35 tracteur engine/moteur.

Energic 4RM35 tracteur engine/moteur.

Energic 4RM18 tracteur engine/moteur.

Energic 4RM18 tracteur engine/moteur.


Read more about the Energic motoculteur 409 here.

Read more about the Energic Motoculteur 410 here.

Read more about the Energic motoculteur 411 here.

Read more about Energic Tracteur 519 T.M.D.Indenor engine/moteur here.

Read more about Energic Engine suppliers Ruggerini here.

Read more about Energic Engine/Moteur supplier Peugeot here.

Read more about Energic Sachs Engines/Moteurs here.

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